Wagner syndrome / disease - a website for patients, ophthalmologists and researchers

wagner syndrome


everything about Wagner disease: symptoms and genetics, treat-ments, usual and otherwise, stem cell and gene therapie


pedigrees from various families, including data sheets with symptoms, tips from others, links

What can you find on this site?


listing of Wagner doctors and researchers, q & a, facts and ideas of your own experience and about new research


developments in research, publications listed by pedigree, links


new on this site, recent publications, new research and other newsworthy things for Wagner patients, doctors and researchers

contact   webmaster v.l. nas / patient support

      @  info@wagnersyndrome.eu

       T   +31 [0] 654 378 368

       H  PO Box 501, 5000 AM Tilburg, NL

contact   umcn / ohk / hereditary retinal diseases

      @  umcn@wagnersyndrome.eu

       T  +31 [0] 654 378 368

       H  PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, NL

This website is a joint initiative of Dutch patients, doctors and researchers involved in Wagner syndrome, formerly known as Wagner disease or degeneratio hyaloideo-retinalis hereditaria. All the ‘technical’ information on this website is checked by MD's or scientists. However we do not provide medical advice for individual petients.  The general information on this side is just to support, not to replace the advice of a health professional. Information about patients is anonymous and published only after consent. Any other information collected via this website will never be passed on to any third party. Scientific publications are published only after consent of author and publishing agency. This site is privately funded. We do not host or receive funding from advertising.

illustrations: mark erickson

logo: elisabeth van aerde

This website is for people who are dealing with Wagner syndrome: patients, the doctors treating them and researchers around the world. They can share information, see that patients get the best treatment, explore new treatment options. This website also offers the opportunity to get a database with lots of information. Meeting people, getting new ideas, seeing what other people experience, knowing what the smart guys are up to, is especially important as Wagner syndrome is a very rare disease: so far we counted 13 families and 250 people affected with Wagner.