new publications

Please let us know if you publish, or know that others are publishing (an)article(s) on Wagner syndrome


new publications

Paris, France, May 2009

Inherited autosomal dominant vitreoretinopathy: clinical findings in a family of patients with a genetic mutation linked to Wagner disease

A. Barjol , S. Valleix, B. Nedellec, I. Ingster Moati, L. Tepenier, A. Brezin

(publication is in progress, you will find here an abstract / poster in French.) 2009barjolparis.pdf

Durham, NC, USA, November 2008

A Novel Base-Pair Mutation of the CSPG2 Gene in a Family with Wagner Syndrome

  1. E.Burner, S. Ronan, K. Tran-Viet, C. Toth, T. Young

(publication is in progress, you will find here an abstract / poster)


Publiation expected in November 2009: Ronan SM, Tran-Viet KN, Burner EL, Metlapally R, Toth CA, Young TL. Novel Base-Pair Mutation of the CSPG2 Gene in a Family with Wagner Syndrome Suggests a Mutational Hot-Spot. In press, Archives of Ophthalmology

page last modified Sep 28th 2009

Wagner syndrome